Our Team

Samantha Deane

Samantha Deane

Director of Formative Leadership Education Project

Stanton Wortham

Stanton Wortham

Project PI & Inaugural Charles F. Donovan, S.J., Dean

Martin Scanlan

Martin Scanlan

Program Director, Educational Leadership and Policy, M.Ed. Professor & Project Co-PI

Chris Higgins

Chris Higgins

Department Chair, Department of Formative Education Associate Professor & Project Co-PI

Melodie Wyttenbach

Melodie Wyttenbach

Executive Director of Roche Center for Catholic Education

Ksenia Filatov

Ksenia Filatov

Graduate Assistant on the Formative Leadership Education Project

Harrison Mullen

Harrison Mullen

Graduate Assistant on the Formative Leadership Education Project

Eric Roland

Eric Roland

Graduate Assistant on the Formative Leadership Education Project

Our Work

Our passion project is building the organizational capacity and culture in schools and educational systems to promote holistic formation. The Formative Leadership Education team aims to foster relational networks that promote learning. We believe that catalyzing formative character education requires a multidisciplinary / multimodal approach to learning what works and what’s needed to vitalize a holistic culture of formative development.


  • Through the KPCEL we create opportunities for members to network and collaborate.

Working Groups

  • Learning during the KPCEL convening is extended and deepened by communities of inquiry, we call these working groups. In working groups theory and practice come into dynamic interrelation.


  • Retreats nurture the intellectual, embodied, and spiritual dimensions of the leaders who constitute our network.

Magazine: Catalyzing Character

  • Catalyzing Character generates conversation about the practices and theories that shape our efforts to challenge the narrowness and instrumentality of contemporary education and to recenter education around meaning and value, whole persons and flourishing lives.