Catalyzing Formative Character Education
A KPCEL Newsletter
With this newsletter, we aim to share bite-sized pieces that engage with the practical and conceptual challenges of formative character education. As a participant in the Kern Partners for Character and Leadership network, we invite you to develop and publish a short article highlighting the work you are doing to advance formative character education. What can you share that may help the practices of character education?
Q: What kind of articles will be featured in the newsletter?
A: We invite theoretical explorations, summaries of practice, and short case studies that engage with the practice of formative character education. Our goal is to create a resource with accessible and relevant articles for a broad audience of practitioners. We welcome insights from research you’ve published elsewhere, new inquiries into pressing questions and ideas, descriptions of character-focused programming, and explorations of pedagogical investigations.
Q: What do you mean by accessible and relevant?
A: This is a publication designed for you to translate an article, book, book chapter, thesis, dissertation, and research findings into a shorter and jargon-free piece of writing. The idea is to highlight interdisciplinary scholarship on formative character education in shorter pieces that catalyze action. Think of this as an op-ed for peers and practitioners. Your readers will be involved in formative character education but wondering what works, why, and for whom.
Q: Who is the audience?
A: The network of character educators and administrators that comprise the Kern Partners for Character and Educational Leadership network is the primary audience.
Q: Can I include images?
A: Yes! All images should be submitted as JPG, TIFF, PDF, or .DOCX files and must have a resolution of at least 300dpi and dimensions of at least 1200*1800 pixels (or be at least 4 inches tall or wide).
Photos and artwork: Permission is required to reprint any image unless the images were created by the author or the work is in the public domain. In cases where a photograph depicts other artwork that may be copyrighted, the author must obtain permission from both the artist who created the work (or the museum who owns it) depicted in the photograph as well as the photographer who took the photograph.
Personal photos: Permission from all identifiable individuals appearing in photos used in your book, as well as from the photographer, is required.
Q: What should I ask myself as I write?
A: Does your piece present with precision and imagination an idea or practice central to the project of formative character education? Is it jargon-free, lucid, and smart? Does it empower action?
Q: What are the mechanics? What citation style?
A: Each article should be between 500-2000 words. Think simple, but not simplistic. Please use Chicago Author-Date Style and only include the most necessary references. Feel free to link out to longer works.
Q: Are these articles peer-reviewed?
A: No. Each article will be reviewed by the managing editor and one other individual from the KPCEL team to ensure articles are well written and cogent.
Q: Where can I find copies of the newsletter?
A: On the network website and in your inbox! Get connected here: (add updated site information, when available)
Q: How do I submit an article to the newsletter?
A: To submit your article send it to Samantha Deane @ We will publish 4 issues a year. Depending on the number of submissions and the slate of edited volumes, we will do everything in our power to get your submission out in the next issue.